Here's some photos taken at Joe's concert at Sea World in Orlando, Florida on March 28th....he sang for about 1-1/2 hours and met with a group of his fan club members afterwards...I was lucky to spend a few minutes with Joe and he signed a photo and posed for a picture with me.....the concert was in an open-air auditorium with a beautiful lake as background......
Joe walks to the stage to huge applause from the large crowd....incidentally...there were 2 balconies...there were just as many fans on the 2nd level as below.....
Because of the sun's glare, Joe started the concert wearing these cool shades, but soon a fan yelled for him to "take them off" and he quickly did, as you will see below.....
Look at the thighs...whew!!!!...but why did he have to leave the shirt untucked...;) ?! with the shades.....:)
Sweet face...sweet smile......
Joe can bite his lip with the best of them....;)
Lord have's those thighs again.....YUM!!!
Oh those kissable lips!!!!!
Look at the this cute or what???
Off to dreamland...;) ??
At his Fan Club M&G...sharpee in hand...Joe gets ready to meet several fans and sign those souveniers....I was one of the lucky  ones...see below....:)!!!!